Happy New Year!

Hello to all of my friends and happy new year to you all! I wish you all a happy 2014 with lots of luck and good times.

It has been a little while since I came on here. First of all last weekend I was not well 😦 I felt very lethargic and un-interested in my food, even treats! My humans took me to that awful place…the vets! I was prodded and poked (with a thermometer up my rear end! how awful!) and found to have a high temperature so the vet gave me two horrible injections 😦 After a few days I felt back to my normal self so luckily it was nothing serious. Then after all of that once I had recovered I couldn’t get onto the computer because the humans were busy doing work and things on it all of the time. So I have had to wait until today to tell you all about my ordeal.

Now on to better news…tonight I have a date with my friend Gypsy!woohoo! I can’t wait! So I can not stay on here for long today as I have to go and clean my tuxedo and make myself look handsome. I will write about it tomorrow and let you all know if there is any romance between us tonight! And of course tomorrow I will also check in on all of my fellow blogger friends and see what you have all been up to.

Bye for now and wish me luck for my date!Β 

19 responses to “Happy New Year!

  1. Morris, I’ve been wondering where you have been! Some of my guys had what you did and I know it is no fun. Good luck your date tonight, you handsome fella!! So glad you are feeling better!

    Mom Bonza

    • Thank you! I was wondering if you could tell me any natural remedies in case I get a high temperature ever again so that I can tell my humans and hopefully not have to get those horrible injections again?

      Paw Kiss, MOrris x

      • Aw, Morris, the only thing that helped Rocky was Homeopathy and that was a remedy that would work for him. You see, Homeopathy takes in the entire mind/body/spirit of the individual and it depends on that, and the symptoms, that you match a remedy. It’s really hard stuff!

        Your human could try Slippery Elm to help slow down the diarrhea and head towards a normal poop. You mix one heaping teaspoon in ONE cup filtered water, then you put that on the stove, bring to a boil, then keep stirring on low for 2-3 minutes. Stir the entire time. When done, it should be a little thick, not too much. Store in a glass container and when cooled, give one teaspoon ever 4 hours (except at night). This mixture is good for TWO days room temperature.

        Another remedy you could try is pumpkin, but Rocky didn’t like that much at all.

        There is also IV fluids, but I don’t know if you want to go that route. I had to with Rocky because he was SO dehydrated. Poor guy. I gave him 200cc of LR at the nape of his neck.

        Besides those things, that is all I can tell you. I wish I could pass the remedy onto you, but it is strictly for Rocky’s mind/body/spirit. That is what most people don’t understand, and that is why Homeopathy is so darn hard. Hubs is MUCH better at it then I.

        I hope this helped your human, Morris. It is a terrible thing being so sick. I really am relieved you are feeling better!!!

        Love, Mom Bonzo

      • That’s very interesting, thank you! My human Jill said that she will do some more research on animal homeopathy so that in future I might be able to avoid nasty injections.

        It sounds like your Rocky was much worse than me the poor lad 😦 Is he better now?

        Paw hugs, Morris x

  2. Dear Morris,
    Awww. We are sorry for what you’ve been through 😦
    We were worried a little but we always thought positive like you’ve been pawtying too much!
    Our poor friend, so you’ve been to that awful place! A poke in the rear and two injections!!! Like the dooms day.
    πŸ™‚ Good news is you are better now! And a date!!! Great πŸ™‚
    We are excitedly waiting for your date news whenever you’ll have time to share with us!
    Happy and HEALTHY New Year!
    Hugs and Kisses
    Yelloz, Mimi & Servant Z.

  3. Oh Morris, we’re so sorry to hear that you had to got to the vets! What a nightmare! Poor fellow! But we’re glad to hear that you’re feeling better now! πŸ™‚ And we’re beyond thrilled that you’re going on a date, tonight! Woo hoo!!! That’s super cool! And we’re sure that Gypsy will fall head over heels in love with you! What kitty girl wouldn’t? You’re extremely handsome, cool and smart – the whole package! πŸ˜€ Have fun, sweety! We’ll be stalking your blog for updates on your love life… πŸ˜‰

    Kitty hugs and a PURRFECT New Year to you and your humans! πŸ˜€
    Roxy & Tigerlino

  4. Well how exciting that you have a date tonight! Good luck (wink wink) – I hope you have a super fun evening…….! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do (wink wink again)

    Hugs, Sam

  5. Poor Morris… I’m sorry you got carted off to the vet ( you should check out my post about My new years Eve resolutions….)!

    But I’m glad you’re better now! β™₯ purrrrrrrrs and tuna to you!

  6. I’ve missed this post, Morris. I thought I already had wished you a Happy New Year..well, in case not, Happy New Year my furriend. Hope your dreams come true for this year and that you stay healthy. Extra Pawkisses for the belated wishes πŸ™‚

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