
morris fish eye

Well hello there! You appear to have discovered my blog, you lucky devil! I suppose you want to know more about this handsome tuxedo feline who goes by the name of Morris the cat. Allow me to introduce myself, I was found abandoned in the town of Faversham in Kent when I was a young kitten, I was then brought to the town of Margate in Kent where I currently reside (I will not disclose the exact location as I have my territory to protect!). I live with two humans in a nice cosy flat, my human companions are very nice, one is a Geordie lass who always gives me a nice treat and regular cuddles and the other is a handsome southern fellow who never tires of throwing my ball. I am very popular with the locals and visit many houses throughout the day enjoying an array of fine cuisines. Currently I am two and a half years old, and in the prime of life I might add! My hobbies include socializing with my friends Smokey, Gypsy and Zachary, patrolling my territory, sleeping, eating and chasing my bouncy balls through the hallway.  As I relax on my favourite chair I often contemplate life and observe the goings on of the world around me through the window. One sunny afternoon I was conversing with my good old friend Smokey about my observations on life and he was so impressed with what I had to say that he suggested I write a blog, and so here I am! I hope you enjoy gaining an insight into the feline mind of Morris the cat!

45 responses to “About

  1. Hi Morris! Thanks for visiting me……it’s always nice to make a new friend. You’re just a young guy and I’m in my senior years so if you ever need advice from someone who’s been around a while, I’m here!! Meanwhile Mom and I are going to follow you to keep an eye on you and your adventures there in Kent.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. hello & thank you for visiting my blog!
    what a lovely kitty you are
    looking forward to seeing more of you & reading more about your life
    wishing you all good things

    • Wow! Morris! You are getting awards from all over the place! Good for you!!! And purrzzzz from Karma, Prinny, Cuddles, Sassy, Molly, Doodles, Rocky, Max, Meaghan, Charlie, Whispers, Bella, Cookie, Rusty, and BIG BREATH……whew!…….Echo and Jersey, and TT, and Raven, and Cherish the horse! Oops, Cherish doesn’t purr…….LOL

      • Wow I am so honoured and happy that my blog is giving others enjoyment! Thank you purrfectkitties for the nomination and thank you Lady Pinkrose and co. for your kind words and purrzzzz ❤ ❤

  3. Hey Handsome, thanks to a blogger who has nominated us twice, we have already reached the full 6 stars for the Blog of the year 2013 award! We didn’t know one was allowed to nominate the same blog twice, but since this seems to be in accordance with the rules, we have decided to give you a second one too! 🙂

    For more info please visit our blog:

    Congratulations, sweet Morris! We hope you reach the full stars in no time! 😀

    Kitty hugs,
    Roxy & Tigerlino

  4. Pingback: MY LIFE IN COLORS : Blog of The Year 2013 Award | fourcatpaw

  5. Hey sweet Morris, we hope you’re having a great time! 🙂 Oh and you know what? We have nominated you for the SUNSHINE AWARD! Because you bring the sun into our lives with your beautiful posts and pictures… 😀

    For more info visit: http://purrfectkitties.wordpress.com/2013/12/12/let-the-sun-shine

    Oh, and if you have already received this award, please just take it as a token of our affection and appreciation. You deserve every award there is to be had… because you are the coolest cat we’ve ever met!! 😀

    Have a PURRFECT day, Morris!

    Kitty hugs, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤

  6. Pingback: I’m getting spoiled over here…and HO HO HO …how I like it! | angelswhisper2011

  7. Pingback: Ending the Year With Awards :) | Playful Kitty

  8. Pingback: Ending the Year With Awards :) - Playful Kitty

  9. This is a lovely blog, really original, I’ve never read anything from the perspective of a cat before 🙂 That’s so cool that you play with a bouncy ball Morris! I’ve not heard of that before either. My last cat, Pookie, was completely obsessed with sitting on the windowsill, she spent more time up there than anywhere else. Adorable. xxx

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