Home Sweet Home

Well it has been quite a while since I have written a post on my blog or even been on the internet! You see I’ve been having quite the adventure. I decided to do something crazy and learn more about the world so I went on a world cruise! 

Let me tell you that I explored some very exciting and interesting places! I went to the Taj Mahal in India, on Safari in Kenya, I relaxed on beautiful beaches in the Seychelles, visited the statue of liberty in America and I went to Sydney, Australia where I met some very talented Aboriginal musicians!

Check out my travel photos 🙂

morris cruising Morris at the taj mahal morrs on safari morris in Seychelles MOrris on the statue of liberty Aborigine Morris



Hello friends,

I have recently been pondering the subject of humans. Since meeting more cats both on-line and in my neighbourhood I have discovered that cats have very mixed feelings when it comes to humans. I personally enjoy the company of humans and think that most of them are very nice and kind and I see them as equals although I do not dispute that there are many ways in which the abilities of cats surpass human abilities. Some cats detest humans, believing themselves to be superior in every way, they will not have anything to do with humans or if they do then they make their life hell, other cats are afraid of them and some cats worship them like they are their masters. My use of the internet has also increased my knowledge of humans and their relationships to cats, I have discovered that there are some evil humans who torture us in the name of science or for their own sick enjoyment, there are others that treat us as objects – dressing us up and such like but then there are those who go out of their way to help us and look after us such as my wonderful friends : LadyPinkrose@ http://herladypinkrose.wordpress.com/, http://twoblindcatsandcrew.wordpress.com/,  http://catsincrisisthanet.wordpress.com/  just to name a few! (sorry if I have left anyone out).

Humans do have their oddities, here are some thoughts on some of the odd things that I have noticed about humans. One of the humans’ greatest weaknesses is that weird food they eat and go crazy for called ‘cake’. They have it on special occasions such as birthdays or when they decide they can’t resist the temptation. I have closely watched humans when they eat this cake and it has a strange effect on them which looks very similar to Smokey when he’s got some cat nip. I once had a taste of some cake and it was absolutely disgusting! I have no idea why they love it so much! Another of their oddities is their desire to immerse themselves into water for up to an hour or sometimes two in what they call ‘a bath’. Us cats can clean ourselves in 20 minutes tops, we are made with our own in-built cleaning system, however humans are not. Sometimes the humans will opt for a quick shower but if they decide to treat themselves and relax they opt for a bath and sometimes they even add potions and foaming things which makes it taste yucky for any cats who want a drink! Why on earth they would choose to spend so long immersed in water amazes me! Another odd thing about humans is their perceived inability to survive without clothes. Us cats have our silky warm fur to keep us warm but human’s skin and hairs are not good enough for keeping them warm and protected. What is very odd is that the humans don’t just wear the clothes for their useful function they wear an array of different clothes in an attempt to look good and pertain to a certain style that they develop themselves, whereas us cats are born with style! I emerged into the world wearing a Tuxedo I didn’t have to buy one from a shop to look this good!

This is all I have to write on the subject of humans for now, but I will be writing about them on a later date as there is so much more one can say on the subject, for now I will relax and nap.

I hope that you have all have a good weekend! Purrs…



If you read my last post you would know that I am not a fan of the human custom known as ‘Valentine’s Day’. Myself and my friend Gyspy had decided to have a non-date, we planned that it would be very un-romantic and that we would have fun in celebration of our single freedom and our love of ourselves as marvelous cats! The humans may think that we are egotistical but it is not in a cats true nature to have low self esteem, we are proud beings and we aren’t afraid to admit how purrfect we are!

Previously Gypsy and I have ventured to the realms of being ‘more than friends’, in the past Gypsy had declared that she loved me and we have been on a date together but then she decided she just wanted to be friends and after talking about it we both decided that we are happier being single cats.  However, the non-date didn’t exactly go as planned, and I will let you all in on a few secrets later on but for now I am getting ahead of myself, let me tell you what happened from the beginning of our non-date.

First of all Gyspy came straight into my house and scoffed all of my food! I was not pleased! But I suppose it was in keeping with the un- romantic theme, however, I thought she went a little too far!

Greedy Gypsy!
Greedy Gypsy!


Oh the horror on my face as Gypsy scoffs my food!
Oh the horror on my face as Gypsy scoffs my food!

Then after she finished scoffing my food she rudely stuck her tongue out at me!


Just when I thought she couldn’t get any ruder she turned her back on me and ignored me when I tried to start a conversation!


So I decided enough was enough and so I chased her into the wardrobe and batted her every time she tried to come out! That taught her a lesson! Hopefully she’ll never scoff my food again!


Then I chased her into my cat tunnels and I wouldn’t let her come out! 


Next one of my human house mates came along and started playing with us so I stopped being horrible and we all played together.



Now then, here is a secret that I would like to share but whatever you do you must not let Gypsy know of this! Even after all of the rude and awful things that Gypsy had done and the horrible way that I had retaliated, there was a moment when I looked through my tunnel at her and my heart skipped a beat! Was it that I still do have feelings for Gypsy or was it perhaps just that stunning new purple collar she was wearing!?


After we had played for a while we went into the living room and the humans gave us some treats. We sniffed around and Gypsy left her scent around the room, this did not please me


I kept a close eye on Gypsy at all times as she was being most displeasing!

I kept a close eye on Gypsy at all times as she was being most displeasing!
I kept a close eye on Gypsy at all times as she was being most displeasing!


Then it happened again, another moment when I looked at Gypsy and went weak at the paws and I was lost for purrs! 


I decided it best I ask her to leave immediately as I was starting to feel very confused! At one point I even thought to myself ‘if only this was a real date’! For yowling out loud why does she have this affect on me! I think it best I stay in on my own for a while and avoid Gypsy until these funny feeling go away, I will not let myself fall in love as I am much better off free and single. Anyway, she always scoffs my food and I could not put up with that all of the time! 

So that’s about all I have to tell about my very confusing non-date! Now I must go and nap as this has been a very tiring day!


Today I have spent most of the day pondering about Valentine’s Day.

I sit and ponder...
I sit and ponder…


After a little research I discovered that Valentine’s day dates back all the way to the Roman times and to a Christian priest called Valentine who was killed for conducting illegal marriages. In the 1300’s Valentines day became associated with love and romance and sweethearts began to send each other cards in the 17th century. 

The celebration of Valentine’s day now seems very far removed from its origins and seems to have been taken over by consumerism, I see adverts everywhere of companies trying to cash in on Valentine’s day. How happy I am that us cats are not so concerned by something so corruptible as money!

As a cat I do not place very much importance on human customs to begin with but after much thought I have decided that this one is particularly very silly! A very important attribute of being a cat is that we like to do as we please and we care not for being told what we should do, therefore the idea of celebrating a custom in which we are told that we have to be romantic and give gifts and cards to our lovers on a certain day is very against the cat philosophy and way of life. I will be romantic if and when I please and if I want to give romantic gifts I will give them when I want and not because of some silly human custom! 

In addition to what I have already said,  Valentine’s day could make one feel sad if one does not have a girlfriend or boyfriend, what about celebrating the freedom of being single and loving oneself?! It also encourages people to make fools of themselves by sending cards to people they quite fancy only to find that the feeling is not mutual hence making themselves look like purrthetic idiots!  A cat would never lower ones self to this level of purrthetic behaviour! 

So, to answer the question that everyone has been thinking which is how will such an eligible bachelor such as myself spend Valentine’s day, I can announce that I will be going on an Anti Valentine’s day “date” with my good friend and previous object of my affections – Gypsy the cat. We have both agreed that we would like to celebrate our choice to stay free and single by having a get together and being the least romantic as possible! I will let you all know how my Anti Valentine’s non-date with Gypsy the cat goes on Friday.

For now I must get some beauty sleep! Au revoir! (one of my human’s has been learning French and I have been secretly picking it up!)



My Absence…

Hello friends,

I have not been on here very much over the past few weeks as there has been a lot going on with my humans and it has been difficult to find time to get on the computer because they have been on it doing their  important boring things! Then we had a lovely visitor all weekend and I got loads of extra cuddles and attention. I will be writing a proper post on here in the next few days and I also hope to catch up with my favourite blogs as I have missed you all! I hope that you have all been having a pawsome time! Paw fives to everyone! 🙂


Many of my friends have requested that I write a post about how to live a happy and fulfilling life as I am quite wise and knowledgeable on the subject. So here are my top six tips for living in purrfect harmony.
1. A contented cat is a happy cat so learn to be content with what you have in life. It does no good to be yearning for this or that or to be always looking at others and thinking that they have a better life than you or more treats or a bigger garden, thinking like this will only make you miserable! Although, this is not to say that one must make do with what one has and not strive for more, but if you have a dream then you won’t achieve it without first appreciating what you have now in the present and being content. Many cats make the mistake of thinking that if they are content they won’t strive for better, this belief holds no truth and only hinders the journey towards a better life.
2. Do not allow yourself to be a greedy cat. Feline obesity is on the rise and for yowling out loud do you really want to be confined to the house, unable to chase a ball or climb a wall? Do you want to have rolls and rolls of excess flab to lick clean (that’s if you can even reach it)? If you are a sensible cat your answer to my questions will be no! However, I see too many cats scoffing their faces and over eating, well if you are one of them I urge you to stop before it is too late! Don’t waste your life by becoming obese!
No not my food!


3. Keep your pride and self respect intact at all times. Cats are a rather unique species; we are the most proud and self respecting of all the animals in the animal kingdom. We take time to clean ourselves and purrfect our look, we walk and move with eloquence and grace, with our heads held high. However, there are some cats who insist on rebelling against their feline nature, they seldom clean themselves and some even allow the humans to bathe them! Like dogs, some cats pander to human desires- using human lavatories, wearing leads and letting the humans dress them like dolls! They make the rest of us cats look bad and they destroy their own self respect! I find it disgusting and demoralising!
I always carry myself with pride!

I always carry myself with pride!

4. Learn to love yourself. It is important that you love yourself, if you can’t do this then you will find it impossible to love somebody else. Some cats feel ugly and worthless because they don’t look like the cats on the cat food adverts or in the films, what these cats must realise is that every cat is beautiful in their own unique way. Each day I study my own reflection in the window and I concentrate on my best feature and I repeat the mantra ‘you are a purrfect cat, with a pawsome personality, gorgeous silky fur and striking eyes’, then I tell myself ‘I love you’. I find that this helps me to keep my self esteem and confidence high.
5. If in doubt have a nap. I have come across many a cat suffering from stress and anxiety because they are worrying or are doubting something. I always tell cats in this situation to go and have a nap and then everything will be better when they wake up. They will wake refreshed with an ability to think clearly about their problem. This advice has never failed yet!
6. Share a thought for the strays. Not all cats are lucky enough to have a forever home, many live their life on the streets without comfort or the assurance that they will be regularly fed. Be kind and leave the strays some of your food or invite them to visit your home for a nap.
Not all of us are lucky enough to have a dependable human to hug.

Not all of us are lucky enough to have a dependable human to hug.


Hello my good friends and new readers and I must not forget those who secretly read my blog without a trace!

As of late my humans have been using the computer non stop for tasks they consider very important. Are they not aware that my blog is the most important thing on earth!?!

This means I have had limited time to use the computer but at last on this fine Caturday I have regained control of the computer! 

I have something to tell all of my blogging buddies, it is something that I have been thinking about a lot recently, it is in regards to the awards. I am always so honoured and overwhelmed to receive awards and I think they are just lovely but they do take up a lot of time and as you now know my time on the computer is precious. I feel that the time I take to put the awards up, nominate and everything else that goes along with the awards is taking away time that I could be looking at my friend’s lovely blogs and catching up with what they have been doing or I could be posting something very interesting for you all on my blog. So I have decided that I will no longer take part in the awards process. If someone wants to nominate me then I will take it as a token of appreciation and I will be very flattered but I will not post the award or nominate etc. I hope that you all understand, I am sure that will. 

I would like to wish you all have a lovely Caturday! My Caturday will be spent catching up with my online friends, gazing out of the front window and napping then later tonight I am hoping a few of my paw pals will be out and about so I can play with them. So tell me, what are your plans this Caturday? Have you anything exciting planned? 

Purrs and high paw fives to everyone who is reading this! 



This weekend I have been spending some time with some of my paw pals. First of all yesterday I had a visit from Smokey, he ate some of my food (which I was not pleased about!) and then we played a game of hide and seek and I won! 

Hello Morris! Hello Smokey!
Hello Morris! Hello Smokey!
No not my food!
No not my food!
Smokey will never find me in here!
Smokey will never find me in here!
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, coming ready or not!
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, coming ready or not!
I wonder where Morris is hiding?

I wonder where Morris is hiding?

Could Morris be behind the radiator?
Could Morris be behind the radiator?
I just don't know where Morris could be!
I just don’t know where Morris could be!

Last night while I was out and about I bumped into my friend Gypsy. We talked about what has happened between us in the past few weeks after our date and both of us agreed that we are happy just being paw pals rather than girlfriend and boyfriend. I invited her into my house as it was quite cold. We hunted around the house for some treats with no luck but then luckily my male human gave us some treats. It was pawsome to see Gypsy again and I am glad that we can still be good paw pals 🙂

Hello humans can we have treats please?!
Hello humans can we have treats please?!
No Gypsy, there's no treats in there!
No Gypsy, there’s no treats in there!
Are there any treats in the bathroom?
Are there any treats in the bathroom?
No treats here :(
No treats here 😦
There's no treats in this bucket of paper recycling :(
There’s no treats in this bucket of paper recycling 😦
Hmm, let me think, where could those treats be?
Hmm, let me think, where could those treats be?
Is that the treat box rattling that I can hear!
Is that the treat box rattling that I can hear!
Yes give us the treats, NOW!
Yes give us the treats, NOW!
Goodbye Morris, I'm going back outside through the cat flap.
Goodbye Morris, I’m going back outside through the cat flap.
Ok I'll show you out and make sure you're safe.
Ok I’ll show you out and make sure you’re safe.


Today I relaxed and watched the humans, dogs and cats out of my window, then I went outside and visited some of my human friends and patrolled my territory. The weather was very nice today here in Kent.

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend too!

There's nothing better than looking through the window on a lazy Sunday morning!
There’s nothing better than looking through the window on a lazy Sunday morning!


Back through the cat flap for more adventures!
Back through the cat flap for more adventures!